Silk screenprints on Archival paper - Complete set 1-12.
Complete Set of 12 - Edition 13 to 24 of 180
Unframed 850 x 650mm each.
About the artwork
The Chroma Zone series of 12 prints explore the idea of bending the spectrum around each colour in the rainbow. I have experienced displaying the Chroma Zones in various harmonic groups but my preference now is to view them individually.
Michael Smither CNZM 2015.
12 sets in total of a complete set of 12 chroma Zones = 144 screenprints.
Remainder 46 screenprints are single-screen prints or part sets.
Screenprint Details
R (Red) - Edition 13 of 190.
RO (Red Orange) - Ediiton 14 of 190.
O (Orange) - Edition 15 of 190.
YO (Yellow-Orange) - Edition 16 of 190.
Y (Yellow) - Edition 17 of 190.
YG (Yellow-Green) - Edition 18 of 190.
G (Green) - Edition 19 of 190.
BG (Blue Green) - Ediiton 20 of 190.
B (Blue) - Edition 21 of 190.
VB (Violet Blue) - Ediiton 22 of 190.
V (Violet) - 23 of 190.
RV (Red Violet) - Ediiton 24 of 190.
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If your space demands something unique, contact Christine Rabarts for your personal in-house art consultation.
M: 027 629 7408